博学笃行 止于至善
2024.5.28,Dashan Fan 教授,University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,Some Oscillatory Operators and Multipliers in Harmonic Analysis
发布时间: 2024-05-07 18:32 作者: 点击: 181


Some Oscillatory Operators and Multipliers in Harmonic Analysis

报告人:Dashan Fan 教授,University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Bochner-Riesz means, Stein's spherical maximal operator, Schrödinger operator, wave operator, the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation, the solution of damped wave equation, etc. are among some most important operators in harmonic analysis. All these operators are related to the strongly singular integral and some oscillating integrals, and they are also closely related to the 4 great conjectures in Harmonic Analysis. In the talk, we briefly introduce the origins and backgrounds of these operators and describe the intrinsic connections of these operators. We also address an unsolved problem of Stein's spherical maximal operator that is related to Sogge's local smoothing conjecture.




Dashan Fan教授是国际知名的调和分析专家,早年师从安徽省优秀教育家李世雄教授和我国著名的数学家龚昇先生学习典型群上的调和分析,于1986年赴美国华盛顿大学学习,并于1990年获得博士学位。1990-1991年在世界著名调和分析大师Weiss教授的指导下作博士后研究,于1991年起在美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校工作,1994年至今任博士生导师,1999至今任该校教授。范大山教授的研究方向涉及抽象调和分析,经典调和分析,算子理论,以及偏微分方程等多个领域。已经在《Amer J. Math》《J. Funct. Anal.》《Transaction of AMS》《Cand. J. Math.》《J. Reine Angew. Math.》《J. Anal. Math.》《Rev. Mat. Iberoam.》《Math. Z.》和《Indiana Univ. Math. J.》等国际顶级数学杂志上发表200篇学术论文,近两千次被引用。