博学笃行 止于至善
发布时间: 2017-11-21 00:00 作者: 点击: 3907

民族:汉     性别:女     职称:讲师

出生日期:1986.3.13  Email: mjiang@cumtb.edu.cn


(1)20013.7- 中国矿业大学(北京)理学院物理系任教

(2)2008.9-2013.6 中国科学院物理研究所攻读博士学位

(3)2004.9-2008.7 天津大学  应用物理学专业






[1] M. Jiang, W. Su, Q. Su, R. Grobe, X. Lu, Y. T. Li, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, Electron-Positron Pair Creation Induced by Quantum-Mechanical Tunneling, Physical Review A 83, 053402 (2011).

[2] M. Jiang, W. Su,Q. Z. Lv, X. Lu, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe and Q. Su, Pair Creation Enhancement Due to Combined External Fields, Physical Review A 85, 033408 (2012).

[3] W. Su, M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Y. J. Li, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Suppression of Pair Creation Due to a Steady Magnetic Field, Physical Review A 86, 013422 (2012).

[4] Q. Su, W. Su, Z. Q. Lv, M. Jiang, X. Lu, Z. M. Sheng and R. Grobe, Magnetic Control of the Pair Creation in Spatially Localized Supercritical Fields, Physical Review Letters 109,253202 (2012).

[5] M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe and Q. Su, Enhancement of Electron-Positron Pair Creation Due to Transient Excitation of Field-Induced Bound States, Physical Review A 87, 042503 (2013).

[6] Q. Z. Lv, A. C. Su, M. Jiang, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Pair creation for bosons in electric and magnetic fields, Physical Review A 87, 023416 (2013).

[7] Y. Liu, M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Y. T. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su,Population transfer to supercritical bound states during pair creation, Physical Review A 89, 012127 (2014).

[8] M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Y. Liu, R. Grobe, and Q. Su,Pair creation in localized electromagnetic fields of different spatial extensions, Physical Review A 90, 032101 (2014).

[9] 林南省,韩禄雪,江淼, 李英骏,“复合场下优化产生粒子对能量分布宽度的特性研究”,物理学报 Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 133401 (2018).

[10] M Jiang, D D Su, N S Lin, and Y J Li, Creation and annihilation phenomena of electron and positron pairs in an oscillating field, Chinese Phys. B, 30 070306 (2021).

[11] M Jiang, N S Lin, D D Su and Y J Li, Analysis of the bosonic pair creation in a static potential well, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 125401 (2021).

[12] 江淼,郑晓冉,林南省,李英骏,“正负电子对产生过程中不同外场宽度下的多光子跃迁效应”,物理学报Acta Physica Sinica, 70, 231202 (2021).

[13] 罗蕙一,江淼,徐妙华,李英骏,“不同频率的组合振荡场下产生正负电子对”,物理学报Acta Physica Sinica,72, 021201(2023).

[14] M. Jiang, R. Grobe,and Q. Su, Impact of spatially periodic inhomogeneities on the photon-induced pair creation, Physical Review A 108, 022813 (2023).

[15] C. K. Li, N S Lin, X. X. Zhou, M Jiang,and Y J Li, Creation mechanism of electronpositron pair on equally spaced multiple localized fields, Chinese Phys. B 32 094202 (2023).

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